Sunday, April 28, 2013

Unusual Serving

With a high of 75, it was a beautiful Saturday to take walks, lay in the sun and have a kick off to the first bonfire of the season and today I did just so. Although as evening rolled around, I was caught off guard by an unusual act of service. My feet were washed.

If you don't know the meaning of a foot washing ceremony, it can have several meanings to several people and is practiced among many different Christian denominations. But, one of the general themes of a foot  washing ceremony is the act of serving one another. Jesus carried out the greatest act of service to mankind, and He fully intends that we serve just as He did. He gave us the foot washing ceremony to teach us to be servants to one another, just as He came to serve us.

I was nearly barefoot the entire day letting the bottoms of my feet warm on the pavement, from which they have not felt all winter long. I stuck my feet in a cold green river, ran in the dirt and across the brown fields of grass. I walked on rocks and sand and even stepped in some sap as well as ashes from the late bonfire. My feet were dirty and smelly and even a little sticky.
As my boyfriend and I walked up to his house, I stated out loud how nasty my feet were and asked if I could wash them. He went upstairs and let the water run in the tub for me to rinse my feet in, and as I sat down on the edge to wash the dirt away, he asked if he could wash them for me. Without waiting for an answer he grabbed a bar of soap and washed my feet with gentleness and an act of service. I was taken back by his actions not expecting such gratitude. As I fought back the urge to giggle from my ticklish feet, he grabbed a towel and knelt down and dried my feet as well. As he did this, I was reminded of Jesus and how he came to serve. He served the unrighteous and washed the sinners feet, yet did not gloat and ask for anything in return. We should learn to serve just as Jesus did, and wash the sinners feet, and not ask for ours to be washed in return.

John 13:14-15 "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."

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