Monday, April 29, 2013

Forgotten Plans

I woke up this morning with birds chirping out my window, listening to Jack Johnson and sipping my coffee as I got ready for yet another beautiful day. Although I found out some unfortunate news that I was not expecting to hear later on that morning.

About a month ago, I applied for a job at a conference center near my hometown that coordinates weddings and events. Something that has been my dream job since I can remember. I am one of those girls that has had their wedding planned down to the finest details since middle school. I have hundreds of ideas pinned on Pinterest for that day I walk down the isle and say I do. I know what flowers I want, what dress to wear, how I want my hair, what the cake will look like and taste as well as the color of ribbons that will be tied on the chairs. When I saw this job open up, I typed up a resume, cover letter and references proof reading it over and over again while doing a mock interview to ultimately prepare myself for what could be my dream job. And as I was sipping my coffee early this morning for what I thought would be a beautiful day, I opened my email to find that I didn't get the job. Immediately I was crushed. I went over all the possible reasons in my head to why I didn't get the job and felt anger flow over my entire body as my muscles tightened and my nerves tingled. I don't understand, but what I do know is that God does.

I took a deep breath and let that bitter air leave my lungs and soaked in the good air. Reading those words over the email was not what I wanted to read; it was not in my plan. My plan was the get this job, get experience, make money and accomplish goals I've had since I was young. Yet I never stepped back to ask God what his plan was. Through my anger and bitterness, God told me to listen and stop making plans for myself and my future because without God in the center, those plans will never prevail. We can lay out a step by step process of what we want in our life and how we want to get there, but those plans can change in a split second if we don't always seek our Father first.

After those deep breaths were taken in, I sat back and simply asked "Lord what do you want me to do. Because where you go, I will follow. Here I am God, send me to the world."

Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come. When you call out to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me with all your heart, you will find me."

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