Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dancing with Jesus

On Wednesday nights I go to a young adults Bible study near the University I attend. I've been attending for about 4 months now and I couldn't be more pleased with how I have been receiving God's word and worshiping with fellow believers, but this last Wednesday was different, I danced with Jesus.

Growing up, we always seemed to have music playing throughout our house, whether that was Jack Johnson with a little Louis Armstrong What a Wonderful World, Christmas music during the holidays or the piano being plunked on by little kids. But one thing I've admired the most while the notes flowed through the house, was our families sporadic dancing, and not just as kids, but still goes on today as we are all now grown both in and out of college with families and nieces and nephews. And as my dad grabbed my hand and spun me around in circles to the sound of The Painter Song, by Norah Jones, I was always led with guidance and direction. Although we were not always the most coordinated at dancing, my dad still led me in the steps to the song, just as our Heavenly Father leads us with strong hands.

Last Wednesday night across the room, a girl was dancing and jumping, waving her hands in the air worshiping the Lord with all she had possible in her. There was no stopping her or holding her back from expressing her true love for God. She was on her knees, she was jumping in the air, she spun in circles and sang at the top of her lungs in worship. I couldn't help but giggle because I knew her feelings of being so in love with her Heavenly Father that all she wanted to do was dance. In 2 Samuel, David danced with all his might before the Lord because the Ark of the Lord was entering the city. He was so excited and so in love with God that he couldn't help but dance through the city as God directed his steps in worship. I told God that I too wanted to dance with Him. I wanted to be that little girl again dancing with my dad, expressing my true affection as He led me through the notes and words. I asked my Heavenly Daddy to dance with me that night and guide me, leading me through worship. I went towards the front where the worship band was playing and raised my hands in worship as I sang with all I had and danced with Jesus. He took my hand and guided me like I was a little girl again dancing with my dad. He led me through the steps while all I could do was smile and feel my heart swell with love as I danced off with Him.

Psalms 149:3 "Let them praise His name with dancing, and make music to Him with a tambourine and harp."

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