In less than 4 days I will be in the midst of finals. Unfortunately all my finals are on one day; Monday. At the moment I'm filled with nothing but anger and frustration to the point of just wanting to throw my laptop across the room and say "forget it!" But even in the bitterness and frustration, God can bring peace in the storms.
As I'm writing, I have a massive build up of emotions. I want to cry because I'm stressed. I'm angry because of mistakes and all the things I have yet to finish, (yet I decide to write in my blog instead). I'm bitter towards all the other schools that are already finished. I'm frustrated because I still don't know what I'll be doing for a job as summer rolls around. I want to be outside, on the beach, riding my bike, basking in the sun and not have a worry in life, but I know that isn't a possibility.
I want to scream and cry out to God with all my anger and ask him to take it away and cast it down, but yet I still feel it building up as if I ate too much and I can't swallow. It's difficult to know that in the storms of life with all the stress and anger, that God can bring peace to those who are weary. All we have to do is ask, be still and just be in His presence. Sometimes as humans we get caught up in the busyness of life. Cars drive faster to get to their destination rather than rolling down their window and enjoying the view of the drive. Companies cut back on lunch breaks so their employees get more work done with lesser time to relax and more time to get things done. According to the Journal of American Medicine, only 43 percent of families eat a meal together every day. We eat when its convenient, not having the patience for others to sit down and spend time with us. Our stress can control us and how we live letting it be the reins to how our day can play out. Sometimes we just have to be still and God will bring us rest from our weariness and peace from the bitterness, away from the buzz of our phones, the chatter and the cars whizzing by.
So this week, I challenge you, even if you are in the middle of finals, to just take five, ten minutes or maybe even half an hour to just be still and to be with God. Don't think about what you have to do in an hour from now or even a day let alone a week from now, but just let God's Spirit come and flow through you. He is an all powerful God with the ability to bring the peace and rest when we are in desperate need for it.
Matthew 11:28 "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."
Amen, cousin!!